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Become a micro-influencer

Did you know that you don’t have to have 100,000 followers or more to be considered an influencer on Instagram? The so-called micro-influencers are not only the younger siblings of the big influencers, but also the real influencers, and they are often invited to collaborate.

The history of influencers on Instagram

Influencers have not only existed since the creation of Instagram. So there are influential people who have an impact on the group that can lead to action. So, politicians, pop stars or even the coolest boy in school are theoretically influencers.

But of course, we use this term mainly to refer to a more recent phenomenon: people who, through social media, have only gained their great influence. What we are talking about influencers (since the early 2000s) is mainly related to the marketing industry.

This is because he defines influencers as people who are able to promote products and services thanks to his strong presence on social media. The formula is therefore an alternative to classic advertising, where general advertising (television, radio, print) is placed, where customers must trust the brand. Of advertising data (football players, actors) have long tried to use the person’s trust instead. Social media has finally allowed almost everyone to make an impact-without having to make a career before. The era of influencers has arrived.

Who is considered a micro-influencer?

There is no established definition of who is considered a micro-influencer and who is not. This is because the term is not protected and there are also strong sectoral differences. 10,000 followers for a fitness account is less relevant for marketing issues than an account with 5,000 followers that acts as a blog about restaurants for a particular city. Who manages their trending account needs fewer fans than someone from a competing industry such as the kitchen or the dietitian.

In addition, the stronger growth of Instagram users also means that just five years ago, a person with 1,000 followers could be considered a micro-influencer, but today they cannot make such big leaps. Too many accounts have thousands of followers.

In most of the literature on the subject, micro-influencers have from 10,000 to 100,000 subscribers (1,000 to 10,000 are nano-influencers). In the end, however, it’s not so much about knowing how many people follow, but about knowing how many people interact, because that’s just the great advantage of micro-influencers!

Why are micro-influencers interesting?

You’ve probably seen lists of five, ten or twenty of the most followed accounts or even following people who have so many followers that you don’t feel particularly important.

For collaboration requests, this has two disadvantages: firstly, is the remuneration for a sponsored publication so incredibly high that a small or medium-sized company can never afford it. Secondly, products or services that have a specific target audience are offered-however, with more than a million subscribers at any given time, it is no longer clear to whom they will be targeted. Therefore, the engagement rate of large accounts is usually much lower than that of small profiles.

Thus, the biggest advantage of micro-influencers over big names is that they have much more links with their followers. Not only do they know who is following them, but they also have a fairly easy way to stay in touch with these followers. Ariana grande, Lionel Messi or Barack Obama do not worry about the discussion in the comments or the replies to each private message. However, this can be done by micro-influencers who therefore stay close and build a relationship of trust.

The authority of the main influencers page is not at the same level as someone who has the same hobby, lives in the same city or with whom to write in person. Companies use this and direct their actions to those who are considered high-authority experts. They trust this person and are more likely to spend money.

In the end, of course, it is also the case that micro-influencers often do not know that they are already interesting with a few thousand subscribers. Especially since they are grateful when they are contacted by the company.

How to become a micro-influencer?

Maybe you want to become a micro-influencer yourself, or maybe you’re just wondering what’s going on behind the scenes at Instagram. Anyway, you can check out the following 5 tips that talk about what someone can do to become an interesting micro-influencer.

Tip 1 for microinfluencers: highlight a niche

Micro-influencers need a niche to be really interesting for collaboration and followers. If you post a photo of yourself on the beach, then on yoga and again on a football match, you can get more followers, but no one knows exactly what the profile means. This way, someone can have the right number of followers and reach without being an influencer because they are not known as an influencer. An expert or an authorized representative refers.

Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully about what your profile should be. Of course, it can also be a combination of interests: are you a fashion enthusiast and do you like football? You can evaluate the way football players dress outside the stadium. Or you love plants and gardens and live in a big city – use your account to show where you can find beautiful green spaces in the city, and at the same time where people most often find the right plant and garden care products. You can be as creative as you want, but it will help if you know who you want to reach.

Tip n° 2 for micro-influencers: don’t use Black Hat methods

Black Hat techniques are always problematic, but for micro-influencers. In case you don’t already know what’s behind this: Black Hat techniques (or tactics) describe the shortcuts to greater reach. For example, subscribers are bought or comments are published by robots.

It’s not just the risk that your account will be banned completely, but that it will achieve the opposite of what you need to do: establish a relationship of trust with the people who follow you.

Tip 3 for micro-influencers: Establish a close bond with your followers

Trust is extremely important to you. You won’t get it if you don’t make the effort to stay in touch with the people who are in your niche. Only a few well-known names still answer questions about recipes, fitness exercises or interesting places.

Do it differently and show your fans that you always have an open ear. It would be even better if you regularly used the full range of the application’s features – live broadcasts (or, more recently, live groups) are a good way to introduce yourself and stay available.

Tip 4 for micro-influencers: publish messages regularly and interact

The standard advice for those who want to gain followers is and always will be: regularity. If you just open the app a few days and take a picture here and there, that’s fine, but you can’t expect potential subscribers to find you themselves.

The attention-spreading page on Instagram is very, very short. If you can’t make people remember you, they will find other profiles more accessible. Whether you post 7 days a week or only 3 times a week, it doesn’t matter – what matters is that you are trustworthy and that your fans know what to expect.

Tip 5 for Micro Influencers: work with other accounts

If you want to become an expert and a confidant in your niche, you cannot do only what belongs to you. Influencers with 500,000 followers or more can afford to post what they want or not communicate with others at all, but that’s not the point of Micro Influencers.

In this way, you not only have to interact with your followers, but also with other people who hold similar profiles like you. This way you will not only show other people who could imitate you, but you will probably learn something about your hobby or passion. And you will meet new people with similar interests. So don’t be afraid to write to someone from your neighborhood or who likes the same thing as you. Maybe you can create several photos and videos together or by livestream talk about your niche. This way you show that your account is ready for more!